Strength Training For Reducing Injury Providing Longevity In Sport

Strength Training Education for Longevity In Activity

Sport Longevity is essentially how long you can participate in a sport or activity you love. So many clients ask after a bodywork session,”How do I feel?” – What a Licensed Massage Therapist & ACE CPT will hear is: “What did you notice in my musculature that I could work on in my everyday life?”

1. Strength Training Is Great For Reducing Compensation Patterns and Reducing Injury Risk! Try strength training focused in the non-dominant movements. Start with this during your training program to increase your success rate. Also, in modifying your workout to support non-dominant movements and being more Full Body, you’ll likely be helping to alleviate some potential overuse injuries from your ‘daily grind’ of activities. This is huge when you consider how injuries tend to take longer in healing when there is less “connectivity” and “foundational strength” in the area of pain.

2. It Is Very Important To Strength Train For functionality and foundation! If you don’t have a foundation for stepping, walking, bending and reaching that is healthy, strong and safe, your movement (i.e. function) based on strength may create compensation pain points in the body and or injury. Movement is medicine and starts with the next step. Strength Training For Reducing Injury Providing Longevity In Sport

3. Strength Training for Longevity in Activity (Sport) Is Supposed To Be Fun. Know when you’re coming in to a SMART Bodywork® office you have a professional, friendly and listening ear to help you through strength training. Strength training can be tiring, especially when you’re new to it, and we get that. Your commitment when you come in is to push as hard as you can, to bring a positive happy spirit into the room and be willing to try. We like to have fun with our clients and ensure they have a safe and successful training session. Remember: You come to us so you FEEL BETTER FASTER and can take on the activities you 1. Need 2. Want 3. Dream of doing in life over the next few years!

4. Strength Training With A Licensed Massage Therapist & An ACE Certified Personal Trainer Offers A Safe Space, Judgement Free-Zone To Movement Becoming Your Means To Becoming Grounded, Centered and Strong. It’s hard to trust a place just on reviews and what the website says about the people. Here’s what I, Brian Keene, know about myself and why I got into Personal Training during the covid years.

I really hoped to make more impact in peoples lives through movement as medicine. While many believe in the term ‘healer’ as a Licensed manual therapist, my career desire is to be an educator to athletes of all ages, Middle, High School and College student-athletes to the Senior Games, Special Olympian and Paralympic athletes alike. To share the wisdom of my teachers bringing a DaVinci like method to movement and strength training, knowing every person is a unique human body that I have the privilege of sharing knowledge of CHANGE with. Imagine if your words get carried around in peoples muscles as they traverse the world. If you can be the SPARK to change the world, when can you start?

We always offer our welcoming office space in support of LGBTQ+ and BIPOC patients who need movement and bodywork to help experience physical pain relief, Chi energy re-set, mental clarity and emotional and work-life de-stress. We hope you’ll join SMART Bodywork® to feel better faster and find more balance, positivity, personal growth and maybe even take on some of those next challenges with the strength and courage and grace you have within! As an LCA Program (Love Courage Achievement) graduate, consider the possibilities to be forward focused, be willing to move through the muck and make your dreams come true!

Look forward to seeing you again soon!

Highest Regards,

Brian Keene, LMT, ACE CPT


Brian Keene

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Ace Certified Personal Training living and working in Denver, Colorado. I have worked with athletes of all levels in sport and recreation, at events and in-office, and have built SMART Bodywork® Fitness and Massage to be the place to go to feel better, faster! I believe that movement is medicine and if you need to know three key words to feel better, here they are: 1. movement 2. pressure 3. breath.


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