Find length, strength, balance and foundation with an Align + Move (fascial stretch) private session. This session incorporates 3 dimensional movement to help you embody (feel, see, experience) tension and tightness throughout and then identify and work towards feeling better faster.
A comparable would be like a yoga or barre class, but this session is so engaging you will feel full body stretch, better breathing, greater movement patterns and tension relief using resistance bands and breath work and self-massage. You'll take this work home and keep your body moving, enhancing the experience to optimize those areas that might feel tense or strained regularly.
Our personal training program is a great addition for clients seeking workouts specific to the needs, wants and goals.
We will train with resistance bands, kettlebells, workout dice, tennis balls, chairs, dumbbells and medicine balls so you get the fitness, strength training and foundation your body needs.
A fascial stretch movement warmup with a great workout will fulfill the human spirit
Find length in connective tissue prior to your workout and then build with foundation, strength, coordination and balance throughout.