Infrared Sauna and SportStretch Client Testimonial
I must preface with this client testimonial is from Dr. David Shapiro, chiropractor from where my office is located. That said, this testimony is not fabricated or exaggerated by any means. This review came after not training for a while and after his “virtual” Denver Turkey Trot 2020 around Wash Park.
Infrared Sauna and SportStretch Client Testimonial
“My son and I were about to run a 4 mile turkey trot run. I hadn’t been running so didn’t feel very confident. I saw Brian the day before for a Athletic stretching session and infra red sauna. I ended up running 5 miles, I was able to keep up with my son and felt surprisingly good afterwards. Whether it’s to manage the stress of repetitive motion or to improve athletic performance, Brian does great work.” – Dr. David Shapiro